eunoia (n.) beautiful thinking, a well mind. pronunciation. "u-noy-a"







Research and Policy Development

"We recognise that high quality research and strategic planning are key to the delivery of objectives  - that's why we've developed a range of tools to help organisations build their evidence base for policy improvement".


"We help you to achieve more and better".

Paul Blott. eunoia associates

Research and Policy Development.

Our clients: We have worked with an enviable range of public sector bodies across the North West to help clarify, calibrate and direct their employment and skills strategies. We get to know the organisation, your purpose and aspirations and design "workable" methodologies to research the issues and produce inspiring and thought provoking intelligence and recommendations, which are implementable and deliver results. Examples include; Liverpool City Region Combined Authority: Development of the 2018-2020 Apprenticeship Growth Plan, articulating the local vision and priorities for actions. Action research into the introduction and impact of outcome payments funded through the devolved Adult Education Budget. (AEB) to inform future investment policy Nuclear Decommissioning Authority: A detailed analysis of the post 16 curriculum available to individuals and employers related to the nuclear sector, including mapping provision and collating qualitative feedback from over 30 employers to produce a series of recommendations to the Nuclear Skills Strategy Group. Blackpool Council: A review of the impact of the Blackpool Careers Journey funded through local Opportunity Area funding. Working with delivery organisations and young people from a range of cohorts to ascertain the effect of current information, advice and guidance strategies. Liverpool City Region: Local Authorities. Working with the six city region Local Authorities and Merseytravel as employers to improve their internal apprenticeship strategies to achieve their Public Sector Apprenticeship targets and realise the benefits of the apprenticeship levy. Assisting the LAs to work together to maximise collective decision and policy making.

eunoia associates llp.

Partnership No. OC403330. Registered Office:

83 Churchgate




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